August 12, 2005


I think I am going to have a recurring post concerning the music that I have been listening to lately. This is nothing but self indulgence....but I guess blogs are built on that concept. It is as if what I have to say is so important, it belongs on a webpage. I like writing about conceit while I take part in the very conceit I am writing about. Hypocrisy at its finest. So, here it comes, what you have all been waiting for, a short list of my latest music selections.

1. The Bravery - One in a number of UK type, new new wave music using electronics.

2. Bloc Party - See above, one of my favorites.

3. Wilco - "Remember the Mountain Bed" is soon becoming one of my faves.

4. Coldplay - See my post on Colplay if you have any questions about them.

5. Lake Trout - Baltimore based...not really sure how to explain it. Some fusion of jazz, rock, electronica, ? Who knows, but I like it.

That is about enough. Let me know what you are into lately.


At 8:19 AM, Blogger RobWill said...

Man, that is not shallow, Crowder is onoe of the best out there. I just work with a couple of guys who are really into music, so I get the benefit of that.

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say


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