July 01, 2005

Not being on the Mexico Mission Trip

Yeah, I am not going on the trip. I am not really thrilled with that. I had a wonderful time last year in Arizona, and had planned on doing the same in MeHiCo. It just did not work out, mainly because of my dwindled vacation days. I could miss my wife and kids for two weeks, one while on mission, and the other when they went on vacation that I did not have, or miss the mission trip and be with my wife and kids (although my wife probably wouldn't have minded it that much!) I chose family....I sincerely believe that the number one mission of a man is to be a husband and father first, a family builder. I've known too many PK's whose fathers were there for so many others and not their own.

Now, onto my small help with the mission trip. The group needed to be in Columbus at 5:30 a.m. this morning for their flight. We arranged for sleeping quarters last night at the McGuire's new church (miss them much). I got to sleep at their house. So here is the timeline, as I remember it.

Thursday, June 30
6:30 p.m. - Met at the building, picked up the van, got ready to go.
7:30 p.m. - Left the building
7:45 p.m. - Stopped at 16th street road Chevron for gas and snacks
8-9 p.m. - Has a spirited political discussion with a few of the teens in my van and George. At one point, they thought I was mad....passionate I say :-) Really, a nice conversation, all good, respectful, etc.
10:00 p.m. - Stop at a Pilot quick mart for essentials
11:00 p.m. - Torrential downpours while on I270. Good fun there, with some kickin' windshield wipers.
11:30 p.m. - Safe at the building. The have a sanctuasium, or a gymuary, whichever is best. We played some ball, met the McGuire's, ordered a pizza.
12:ish - Dana getting ready to follow Melinda to the house to get some sleep. I tell her, "Hang on, let me get my bag". I come back, she is gone, thinking I was coming home later with John, which I did.
1:00 a.m. - Sitting on the porch with John, Melinda and a sleeping aid, knowing I am gonna get about 3 hours, tops.

Got to add this. I called home when we got to the church. No answer. I am talking about 30 rings, no answer. Now, both Lisa and I are sound sleepers, but, I got a bit flustered. I kept trying for a bit and then quit. I was at the McGuire's, took a shower, called one last time. Still, no answer. Now, my mind tends to wander in situations like this, and I tend to think bad thoughts. So, I lay in bed, praying out loud. "God, I am getting uncomfortable with this. I just need to not worry. Let me know, help me out..." RRIINNGG, my cell phone goes off. I pick up, and it is a slightly peeved wife saying, "I am trying to sleep". I was never so happy to hear her get on my case!

4:30 a.m. - Up and at 'em, none too happy.
5:30 a.m. - they are dropped off at the airport. Hugs and disappointment as I know I am not leaving with them.

John had mentioned that maybe I should go back and get a bit more sleep before making the lonesome journey back to Huntington. I did need to get to work, but I took him up on it and slept from 6:30 to 8:30.

9:00 a.m. - Leave the McGuire's
9:15 a.m. - Almost take the wrong exit, make a quick cut back into traffic. In a 15 passenger Ford van, quick is relative, but I made it relatively smoothly.
Noon - Back in Huntington, taking the van back, getting lunch, going to the 1 p.m. meeting I was about to miss, etc.

That was my experience. Not anywhere near as cool as their's will be, but thought I would share.


At 9:13 PM, Blogger George Welty said...

RobWizzle, we miss you like crazy. It's hot as Mexico down here. Glad I'm not a big sweaty guy.



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