August 29, 2005

Working for the Weekend

Who out there does not LOVE this song? This is classic 80's...but not my reason for posting. We had another one of those DubDub weekends (double W) which stands for WHEW and WOW. It seems that anytime WOW is involved in your work, WHEW is always a part of it. We had some great oppotunities to work for God this past weekend.

Saturday was a big event for our Children's Ministry...we had a big back to school carnival. Leading up to this event, we did alot of promotion...basically by going door to door in our surrounding neighborhoods with flyers. That was quite an experience in itself. One of our missions is going to Mexico to work in the communities. I have never personally been there, but we had more than one of our kids compare the passing of flyers in the Marcum Terrace housing project to passing out flyers in Mexico. We talk about the abject poverty in Mexico, and we have what look like similar situations in our own backyard. Now, our poor are rich compared to the situation in Mexico, but still, the kids have similar traits. I know that the best time I had was kneeling down in the playground of the projects and havings kids just all over you, dying for your attention. I hated to leave.

My wife planned the carnival, which is to say, she had a three ring binder with a heck of a lot of info, including a map of the parking lot where everything would reside. I was pressed into service for making signs, picking up random things, etc. Well, Sat. came and, even though some worried about rain, we had it outside without a drop. It was wonderful, with many kids from the neightborhood. I think over 50 kids, with their parents, grandparents, etc. I took over the kool-aid and lemonade station and created what is now known as "The Greatest Drink Ever", or the "Rob Special" or the "Fruit Punch Sunrise". I was as smooth as Tom Cruise in Cocktail. Many people were repeat customers. Dusty the magic man was there. He is amazing. Good stuff, prizes and general good feelings all around. One tip from the weekend, cleaning up the cotton candy machine is difficult.

Sat evening was spent recuperating and putting together our display board for the Ministry Fair that was to go on the next day. On Sunday, I had a good class with the middle schoolers. Then, we had a big recognition for our ministries and volunteers. That was good, and a call to get working. Then, dinner and info tables. Good times were had by all.

Sun evening, area worship at Hurricane. That was great, as always. It is always good for our groups to get together. I so enjoy Tony, Mike Cleveland and the Hurricane family, as well as Paul and the other groups.

Oh well, all good things must come to an end. Work happened today, including just a busy, busy day. Class now, but thankfully, UCF tonight. That will save the day.



At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Lisa are AMAZING. You do such a super job with the children's ministry along with everything else you are involved with. I miss working with ya!


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