Dakota's 2nd Grade picture

This is Dakota, my 7 year old. His latest picture is the bottom one, in 2nd grade. On the top, that was from last year, really, only one year ago. So, do I have a future hippie? Maybe. Is he trying out for "The Strokes"? Maybe. You know, I see his hair everyday but it wasn't until this pic came out that I realized how long it is getting. Lisa and I both like it, and are letting him grow it out. I don't know how long though. If we let it grow through the year, we could be looking at a serious headbanger. A new gentleman in our church asked about our "daughter". I imagine if Dakota knew that, he might want a cut. Oh well...I must say, it is amazing how much he has grown in a year, hair and all.
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I am glad that my son's future in-laws like long hair on boys.
the girl comparison thing won't get it. You have to wait unitl he gets a girlfriend and the hair starts causing his face to break out. Can't tell you how many times I heard the daughter thing(with my mop top son in tow) b4 he finally decided to get it cut.
Let him keep it Rob. Am i That bad.
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