June 08, 2006

Its been...One (month) since you looked at me

Well, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Softball and baseball are both winding down. Last night I saw one of the exciting girl's softball games I had seen in a long time (not that I am a purveyor of girl's softball or anything, it was just an energetic game, late at night, under the lights, playing through rain). All of the parents were really into it, just a bunch of fun...and no fist fights. At the girl's last game, there were actually two men who got into a bloody fist fight over a family issue (could be serious). However, it is the first time I actually saw that type of violence since my days with Fight Club.

We went on our annual Memorial Day Camping trip with several families, which is a good thing. We had a great time, although there were a few things that might have gone better. No camping outing goes as planned, but drunk rednecks augmenting fires with gasoline while blowing an airhorn goes beyond normal issues. As the song says "If you're gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough"...these guys were the perfect examples of that sentiment. Mercifully, they were removed, and the rest of the weekend went without major incident. I made friends with a severely inebriated camper next to us, named George, which was pretty funny. That night, I went to bed and he was just a passed out blob in his camp chair sitting next to the dying embers of his fire. I imagined him waking at 4 a.m., covered in dew, freezing. However, I talked to him a few times later during the weekend, and he did well. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to the Imlay planned outing next year. Cameron, Elliott, Alli, Kailey, Kacy, Taylor and "White Hot" Tyler were a fun group to be with. I got to lead worship with Elliott, which was very nice as well.

Been working on preparing our yard for an above ground Sam's Special pool. That's fun...let me tell you. I have an uneven yard, so it has to worked down to a certain level. Well, this yard was the home to two big maples, one of which was removed very recently, but the roots remain. Big roots, impressive roots. After a day of shoveling and getting nowhere, I splurged on a rear tine RotoTiller. Nice, always fun working with big equipment. However, I had to stop often to remove large roots with my axe...oh yeah, I have an axe. Anyway, I am trying to finish that before I goto AZ on the mission trip. So, if I don't have a game in the evenings, I work on that. I missed this past Wednesday due to games and the weekend looks dicey as well.

VBS, there's another thing. Beginning Sunday I signed up as transportation chief for some of the local kids who need it. Flyers were passed out (missed that because of a game), so we hopefully will get interest in our event. It would be nice to get a good group of kids we don't know. But, that takes out every evening from Sunday to Wednesday. I will have to get packed Thursday for the mission trip caravan leaves on Friday...early. Just a buch of responsibility with little time, all colliding in a two week long period. It will happen, some things will just be missed along the way.

From my last entry, you probably know that I am in a Christian acoustic band named ThreeFold Chord. Well, we had a nice time at the church we played, got a lot of applause, felt really good. Fun times for sure. Now, we have another gig, coming up this Friday. We are providing some entertainment for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life in Ashland this weekend. We begin at 11:30 on Friday night and go for 30 minutes of more. We have been practicing for more than a few nights this week. Let's see, we practiced Sunday til late, then again on Tuesday til very late (I went to bed at 3 a.m.) and then last night (Wed.) and I went to be at 2 a.m. Its fun, but don't think I don't feel it...it catches up...I am not as young as I used to be. We are not practicing tonite, so I hope to get to bed early. We've been doing well in our practices...every song sounded really good last night. I am taking on a bigger role in the singing department, which makes me a bit nervous, but my singing has improved, I have to admit. So...the Chord rides again this weekend. I think we will have a decent fan base there, as alot of the people Dino knows and has sampled some of our stuff to will be there. So, with prayer, we look forward to singing songs about our Father and enjoying our time together.

That's it in a nutshell, an broad update on me and all things RobWill. Talk to you later.


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